When It Hurts So Bad

“I loved real hard once, but the love wasn’t returned”

-Lauryn Hill

Since I have been in college I feel like it’s been situationship after situationship and I am pretty convinced that relationships only exist on YouTube. This is my last semester of college and I can honestly say I’ve only been in one real meet the family/post on social media type of relationship. It was train wreck end of that story. After that it would be people I “talk” to (yeah we’re gonna talk about that in a second) and it felt like I was on a one way trip to absolutely no where. Let me make one thing clear “talking” isn’t dating but it also according to Twitter ,doesn’t mean you’re single??? Yeah I’m still confused on that one. According to the world of Gen Z and those who pretend to not be a part of Gen Z, talking is basically you and another person that you are attracted to and like communicating and possibly hanging out with.

Not dating though. But while you “talk” to someone you are supposed to act as if you are in a relationship with that person. Once again this is not dating it’s just confusing and annoying. And towards the end of these little situations they are just plain hurtful. I think in these situations one person always wants a little more from the other. These situations in my opinion just take the responsibility away from the person who isn’t that invested in the other person. Because at the end of the day you technically don’t date and you aren’t in relationship. You know exactly what you signed up for so when you end up hurt. Guess whose fault it is? Yours and hurts like hell.

I was “talking” to someone for eight months. When it really hit me that we weren’t going in the direction that I hoped we were I felt like I was going through an actual break up. Then when I really realized that there was nothing to actually break I cried even more. Then I felt stupid because I should have stopped putting myself in that situation.

It becomes this private painful feeling. Because, truthfully you feel like you have no right to what you’re feeling. Maybe we shouldn’t invest so much time into people who don’t feel the same. Pouring into to someone and they walk away full and you walk away empty it, makes you feel just how much you think you lost.

“Pouring into to someone and they walk away full and you walk away empty it makes you feel just how much you think you lost. “

It makes you a little bitter, it makes you want them to feel the way you do, and all that hurt you feel suddenly becomes justified. I hate to be the person to break it to you but it doesn’t become justified. You are not wrong and you are not right. If I could offer any advice on what I have learned coming out of this experience is to not do it. You’re intentions can be very pure and you can think that you may never have feelings for a person. You make think that what you’re doing is just fun and then you turn around and you’re listening to Take Care at 2am in a dark room with a cheap bottle of wine. (I did it mind your business).

I’m just in growing time I feel. I am at a very weird age some of my friends are getting married and some can’t even cook. The growing part for me is going through these relationships and realizing that a person can either be my blessing or my lesson. Sometimes I feel God is looking at me talking to these dudes and says “It’s another lesson girl, don’t put that emoji by his name”. Like I said it really hurts but, my momma told me that if you can see yourself out of it in two weeks don’t waist two minutes on it. I never listen to that but it is true. I do think sometimes you can cry and it will suck for awhile but don’t let it make you jaded. We are way too young for that.

The Best Sunday Routine

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”

“Maria Robinson (Author of From Birth to One)

Hey guys! Well its been awhile and for good reason. I told myself that I needed to really clean up my soul and find out where my inner negativity was coming from. I had to take some time off of twitter, my blog, and I’ve been working on my new novel. So these last few months have been a lot mentally and I’m in a better space. I wrote about treating myself as a friend and I am finally in a place where I’m treating myself with the upmost respect. I respect my own time, my own space, my bodies mental and physical health.

The one thing that I have grown the most respect for is my spirit. I am a person who can be easily devastated and my faith is so easily crushed sometimes. But, no realizing it by doing that I was belittling my own spirit. The very thing that’s not even protected by me. God protects my spirit at all times. Once I gained the respect for my spirit again and valued it everything that I have been praying for years began to come so naturally. Today in church the pastor talked about how we let everything we see that we think is going wrong effect us. He went on to say that though we may not see God and the work that is being done to restore what we feel is “falling apart” does not mean that it’s not happening. Being patient with my prayers and the timing that they happen has been my greatest relief.

This leads me to today’s post. My Sunday Routine. I have 5 things that I promise will make your Sunday so much more fulfilling and productive without feeling overwhelmed. Once I gave myself that patience to just try new things my weeks have gone better.

1. Fresh Flowers

Fresh flowers can change your entire mood. I buy them for myself once a week and any room you put them and can make it feel so alive.

It’s nice to have something pretty in your space every week that inspires creativity. Flowers can give you that overall sense of calm that can be missing from day to day life. Plus, treat yo self.

2. Meal Prep

The key to meal prep is not planning out every single meal of every single day. For me that’s a bit much and kind of micro manage-y. It would also freak me out to see a bunch of containers in the fridge. I usually just meal prep dinner and one lunch for the week and maybe a snack if I’m feeling it.

This week was roasted veggies and chicken with some lentils. I mixed and matched and now I don’t have to worry about cooking for the next few days. I also go for things I don’t have to stand over. If I roast veggies I can step away and do homework or pretend that I’m going to fold clothes. I love doing stuff like muffins too so I can grab that throughout the week.

3. Phone Break

This is something kind of new in my life but I started putting down my phone an hour or two before bed. I have a social media problem that I’m trying to end. I don’t want to be influenced by other peoples lives before I go to bed. It’s also nice to just have that mental break from my phone. I can focus on reading or writing in my journal before I go to bed. That is one thing that has allowed me to reset my mind and go into the next day with fresh thoughts about myself and my everyday life.

I used to go to sleep angry or even preparing to have a bad day. Putting my phone down has been a key factor into moving in a more positive direction. So I can’t go to bed thinking about the fact that Michael B. Jordan may never marry me because I saw he’s dating someone new.

4. Podcast

Honestly, this is a random part of my Sundays that I just love. I have never been a TV person. I barely have the time or the attention span to watch a TV series straight through. But podcast are great on Sundays. You can put it on your phone and get what you need to get done and still be entertained. I find it to be better than listening to a show.

My bestie/roomie just started one on joychanel.com and it’s just easy to listen to. I listen to them to do the dishes or to once again pretend that I’m going to fold clothes. I also love the Black Girl Bravado, Zealous Conversations, and Grace over Grind.

5. Let it Go

Last week is over and you cannot go back. You can’t change your actions or the actions other people had. You can not change the outcomes of those situations. This is the start of a new week. Let it all go every frustrated moment, every missed work out, every time you were late, every snappy e-mail, and anything else. Move on and be present with your now. I have let things from months ago eat at me in my present.

Things that I know I can’t change. It is not your job to fix micro mistakes. Now if its something that requires immediate attention then handle it. But, if it’s something you know in your heart that isn’t worth the energy let it go. You deserve a week that is not based on making it to the end of the week. If you are stressed about the upcoming week God will restore that. Once you do your part it’s not up to you figure out how the response will be done.

I found that I don’t have to concoct the perfect routine to live a life that brings me peace and allows me to have a productive week. I just need a few simple things to give me a fresh start to the week. Don’t be to hard on yourself if you don’t have the Pintrest worthy Sunday. Your life isn’t for a picture it’s for you. Your life is not about documenting the moment let yourself live.

When They See Me

When did you first realize you were black? When did you first realize that being black actually affected how you would be treated? When did you first feel uncomfortable about being the only black person in the room? For me, it started in elementary school. There weren’t many black kids in my class but I never thought anything of it. But then I noticed small differences between my classmates and myself. It would start with teachers thinking that I had “an attitude problem” when I knew there were girls in my class with way more sass than I did. It was so subtle that I wouldn’t even say this was the moment I realized I was black. What started it for me was in high school. I got “woke” around my sophomore/junior year.

Trey Hale

Listen, I thought I knew it all. I spent the summer of 2013 buried in research on Blacks in America.I listened to so much old school hip hop I promise you I could recite any political rap song from cover to cover. I got put into this box for years of being this bitchy black girl. I thought I finally found my voice through my roots. I did , but it was at the expense of my peers. Whenever someone black didn’t quite care enough ,in my opinion, I wrote them of as ignorant, white washed, and self-hating. If I was so “woke” why wouldn’t I take the time to educate rather than jump down their throat more than likely turning them away from whatever knowledge I was attempting to spread. I saw a tweet a few weeks ago from an Alcorn State student. He’s a political science major from Mississippi and Trey said how he wouldn’t belittle anyone who didn’t know about the Central Park 5. It brought me back to when I would mindlessly brush people off for not knowing our history. It resonated with me because that’s a statement in itself. We aren’t even taught about us.

My baby brother as a baby 🙂

That same summer was the summer Trayvon Martin was murdered by George Zimmerman. I remember being on twitter. I remember feeling like my body was overwhelmed with fire. How? How could a boy who is only a year older than me be murdered? Why was he murdered for being black? I remember arguing and yelling on the phone with white kids from school. I felt so numb. Then I felt kind of empty as more police brutality became publicized over the years. Seeing the videos. The pictures. The recordings. My little brother is a black boy. He’s aggravating as hell, he’s goofy, he’s caring, and innocent. But, that’s not how the world will view him. Some people will look at my brother and assume he’s the worst thing on the planet. Some people will look at him and think he’s a threat. They will look at him and not see my happy brother they will see someone that they don’t believe belongs in society.

Myself, Grant, and Maiya

I have two good friends I met in college. Davonte and Grant are exceptional black men. Exceptional men overall and every conversation I have ever had with them I always pray for them after. Silently, but in my heart I pray that they are never victims of police brutality and that the media doesn’t destroy the character of two powerful black men that I hold so highly in my head. I fear that media would find anything about them to prove that there has to be something wrong because they are black.

Davonte, Myself, Maiya

It’s a constant fear being black I feel. You don’t express it everyday and you don’t speak on it often. We just feel it. In our PWI history classes we glance at each other at the brief mention of slavery. We feel it in public when we see a cop with black person. We slow down just a little just to make sure everything is okay. We feel it at night when you hope your friend is home safe. We feel it when you can’t get in touch with a friend and you hope in your heart that they haven’t been attacked or targeted. Our fear is so silent that it has begun to feel like weight that was put there for protection but the weight cannot protect us.

Google image grab of the Central Park

The Central Park 5 brought a conversation of what fear is for my generation. When They See Us recirculated a conversation that we can never stop sharing. It’s painful to think about. It’s painful to live it. When you see it a black man ,you see me. When you see a black woman, you see me. When you see them attacked and targeted for being black, you are seeing me attacked. So what do we do? I don’t want people to stop seeing me but at some point you can’t keep seeing me being killed. You can’t keep seeing me in a hashtag. Our families can’t handle anymore of that.

Treating Yourself Like a Friend

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them”

-Maya Angelou

I consider myself to be pretty good friend. I am supportive of all of my friends dreams and accomplishments. I am right at the front of lines when they receive any accolades that they rightfully deserve. When they happen to fall short of success I am right there to pick them back up and prove to them what an awesome person they are. As for my friends appearances I never would call them fat or unattractive. I would never tell them about spaces in their teeth or that there hair could be a better texture. But, I tell myself those same awful things.

I have been blindly believing for years that I have self love. I think I would like to believe I do but in reality that is not 100% true. I am so hard on myself. So much in fact that I can’t allow myself to have human moments. Of course, we shouldn’t be rude or snap at people but we do it. But, the guilt I feel after I do get frustrated I begin telling myself how I’m not going to accomplish anything because I had a moment of weakness for being frustrated. If I get a new outfit I mentally tell myself how much better I would look if I got rid of ten to fifteen pounds. If my friends had on a cute outfit I would NEVER say “yeah its cute but your pudge really poking out in it”. Not only could that possibly hinder my friends confidence but that could hurt their feelings . Why am I so comfortable hurting my own feelings? Do I not think that my feelings have no value? Do I think I can handle the harsh criticism I give myself? My skin is only so thick. What is the line to draw when it comes to how I treat myself.

For the past few weeks I have been the hardest on myself I would say. I don’t work out like I want to. I recently moved so its still confusing to re-adjust to my surroundings and pick back up on the lifestyle that I am comfortable living. I have been”treating myself” with shopping of feeling better about not being as organized as I used to. This led to me being disappointed in the fact that I shop so much. These little things build up to me eventually not fixing the problem but almost self loathing. Which is such an unhealthy way to live an think. So a few weeks ago I started writing down in my notes on my phone.

This is from May 25th: “So today 5/25 I officially decided that I can no longer be negative. My spirit can’t handle it anymore. I went on snap chat to take a picture of how beautiful I think my skin is and I got so ashamed looking at my reflection in my camera that I just deleted the app. My face is too fat. My teeth are too far apart and I just don’t feel comfortable in my body. I feel how overweight I am. And I’m so ashamed about this. Not only do I want to change my physical appearance I want to change my mentality. I am so unbelievably mean unintentionally and intentionally. I say things I don’t mean and I say things I do mean to be mean. I wish I wasn’t that person. It doesn’t make me feel good on the inside to always be saying something negative about another person.

Or myself for the matter. Yes I have accomplished things that I thought I never would but honestly the way I live those accomplishments are just materialistic. I’m so unhappy with myself and I think it is a reflection of how I feel about my life. Today I’m declaring change. I refuse to live the unhealthy lifestyle anymore. My unnecessary toxicity towards myself and other people is hindering my growth. I’m cutting myself off from people for awhile. I’ll still keep in touch with friends but I’m not going to be glued to my phone for social media purposes. I’m done talking about people. I’m done saying mean things for absolutely no reason. I am just done with this unkind spirit that I have. My health is my own fault. I eat to make myself feel better. I don’t even feel confident to work out anymore. I am filled with so much shame for myself. But today is the turn of a new leaf. I won’t live like this anymore. Not only do my loved ones deserve the best version of myself I deserve the best version of myself. I don’t want to go back to my old looks. I don’t want to go back to a specific size or time in my life.

The direction that I am taking is peace, kindness, and positivity.

I can no longer live the way I do. I have to take the months to transform myself. I don’t think by next week I’ll be some super fit and super nice person. But, by Saturday next week I want to be able to say, “I haven’t said anything negative about anyone.” I want to be able to pat myself on the back for sticking to my meal prep and work out. In six months I want to look back at this day and think “wow, I really am a better person.” And even then I still want to continue to be healthier and kinder. I want to see change so I have to put in the work. “

It hasn’t been a month yet but I cat myself. I make sure that when I am being unkind about myself or other people I stop and really think about those words. The other night I was in a situation where my actions got so ugly I couldn’t sleep. I reverted back to my old ways of immediately calling myself a bitch or a bad person. Instead of just apologizing and praying. When I look back at what I wrote I feel genuine sadness of for how mentally hard I am on myself. I have been making choices about eating better and finding the confidence to get back to doing the workouts I love. Its beginning to reflect.

Cut yourself some slack. There is no reason to ever feel like you should stop improving yourself. But, there is also never a reason to tell your past self how unimpressive they are. I catch myself doing this a lot. I’ll say how bad my old writing or artwork is and think about how much that would hurt me if I knew someone was saying those things about me. If you have to think before you speak to someone else than the same applies to you, If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say it at all, well guess what the same thing applies to your past and future self.

Playful Pause


“If you dislike the activity the activity, you are also setting your body up for a stressful experience rather than a stress relief”

-Latham Thomas (Own Your Glow: A Soulful Guide)


img_7271A few times a week I get enough courage to take thirty minutes out of my day to watch the sunset. I usually see it starting to set on my walk home from work and I sprint back to my apartment to try to catch it completely. I make a little tea and start my aromatherapy and get cozy in a nook in my room and I just pause. It’s not like meditation where I’m in a constant state of peace it’s more of just being aware of the world around me. We get so lost in our own lives and our own heads that we forget that there is more to life than whatever we have going on. I first started to think about this when I read Latham Thomas’s book and ever since I have been more thankful of my time. I have tricked myself into thinking that every second of my life has to be filled with productivity in order for my life to be fulfilled. I make these list and these schedules that are often impossible to finish. When I don’t finish everything I’m left stressed out and frazzled. But, the reason I made these list and got so organized is to be less stressed.img_7558

So how does that work out for me? Like everything in life you have find some kind of balance. I can have structure but not at the expense of my peace of mind. Seems obvious and  the go to answer but…. if you’re a person like me and you feel the stare of your pending future constantly on you chances are you feel the need to sacrifice your peace for something that won’t actually matter in a few weeks. This is how I came to love the idea of a playful pause. Just take a few moments or an hour out of your day and CHILLLLL. Cook something weird and throw it out if it taste like left over Applebee’s fries. If you know me I’m good for throwing a face mask and taking a long bubble bath. It’s not really about what you do. You can look up all the self love and  me time you want but if you’re just doing it because that’s what you think self love is you may have a bigger issue. I do love looking at different routines we all do it makes us excited to spend a little TLC with ourselves. But….. you have to know this if you didn’t gain anything from that time you spent with yourself  ask yourself, why did you take that time? Think about it. img_6638Why did you pause your life to do something that you didn’t feel anything for. I remember a few years ago I saw a beautiful post on Pintrest. This girl was in a luxury bubble bath with breakfast and had this face mask it was so cute. I got off from work that day and prepared myself to recreate that exact scene. Not only could I not enjoy the breakfast because something about eating breakfast and soaking in a nice bath just doesn’t work. Or maybe it was the fact that I was eating with a charcoal mask…. still not sure on which one it was. The point is once I finished doing what I thought would be a fun pause in my life I was just glad it was over. So you have to do exactly what you need to do for a pause.img_7571f you need a nap then by all means take a nap. If you want to sit in front of your tv for an hour and binge watch Power then DO THAT! You should never feel guilty about pausing your life. I guarantee the hour you used for yourself is insignificant to your productivity. Guilt for moments of happiness should tell you what you think of yourself. If you find yourself feeling guilty that should be your motivation for enjoying the company of yourself. Cherish the person you are. Enjoy the body you live inside of. Pamper your soul as you would your body. TREAT YO SELF!!

P.S: These are some crystals that I love for a playful pause. Rose Quartz are amazing for invoking sweetness, love, and passion. Clear quartz represent manifestation, clarity and balance. The Lapis Lazuli invokes compassion, wisdom, and spiritual growth. 


Growing & Glowing

“There are years that asks questions and years that answers”

-Zora Neale Hurston


I think I put too much magic in ages. I always still linger on to the fantasy that a certain age will bring something  magical and graceful into my life. When I turned 15 I remember thinking this is it I am officially not a child anymore why I thought that who really knows. I think it was just hope that I had a marker to change and to become a better version of myself. img_6932Granted when I was fifteen a better version of myself was a spending Saturdays in Forever 21 with my moms debit card but it was better than my mom standing over me in Forever 21 convincing me not to buy a stupid graphic tee. Now I spend my Saturdays buying flowers which is a switch I never saw coming, But, growth is growth.It’s not measured by an age or the people around us. img_6642Growth for me is being comfortable going places alone and not feeling ashamed for not being 100% dedicated to every aspect of my life. Growth for you may be finally soaking in a bubble bath once a week.I measured my growth by what people around me did for years and up until a few months ago. I always thought I was a hundred miles behind my friends. I spent time trying to catch up in an imaginary race. During the time I spent trying to catch up I lost sight of my own goals. What was at the finish line for me? What was I racing to? If I won what was the prize? I came up with nothing. For one of the first times in my life I didn’t have any real goals. I was in cycle of routines and organizations and making sure I wasn’t panicking about my future. I got too comfortable running to nothing. So I took a big risk and auditioned for the Vagina Monologues.img_7061 For no reason other than to prove  to myself that I could. Getting cast wasn’t the goal it was auditioning. I have never really acted and I could speak in public but to adopt another persona was not my forte. I wanted to prove that I was brave enough to step out of the imaginary race. I promise the day I walked out of the office after auditioning and getting cast I felt this feeling of rejuvenation. I  was getting somewhere with my goals. A few months ago I wouldn’t have done it because school and work were the most important in my life. But once I realized that if I keep staying safe and running after someone on their track I would never race my own race. Once you reach that minor growth that’s when the inner glowing starts. When you feel happy you start to look it. Glowing starts with accepting where you are in life but once you accept it you can recognize that you have the strength, power, and ability to change that. I accepted the fact that I am not where I want to be when it comes to my writing but it will change. Meditate on what you fear and see where the fear is sourced from. That where growth starts from. img_6673It starts with reaching into those places that are sensitive and healing those places to be comfortable and allowing those sensitive parts to come forward. You ever hear people talk about relationships and they say you and your partner must want growth for it to work? Well your body  and mind are just like a relationship. When you want growth you have to activate it all parts of your being. You have to open yourself and open places that hinders you from growing. Once you start to grow into the next phase of yourself the glowing come naturally. It comes like second nature and you don’t realize your glow until you go into your next phases of growth. When its time for a change be sure to change.

Thank u, next

“Look at what I’ve found, ain’t no need for searching” 

-Ariana Grande

I have intuition based on how my years go and I don’t know how I know but I just do. My “even years” like 2010, 2012, 2014, and lets not forget the infamous 2016 all challenged me mentally. But my odd years I grow and I always have an abundance of blessings and strength. So when I say 2019 will be the year….believe me. 2018 was no different from my other even years and I’m okay with that. I needed those years for lessons and how I learn who I am and who I want to be. I’m happy with the growth I had this year but on to the next. If you haven’t heard Ariana Grande’s single ,Thank u, next, watch the video and happy reading. 

Thought I’d end up with….

This year I thought I’d end up graduating college an education major. That won’t happen anymore. It wasn’t a match for me. The obstacles I had to go through to just make it work weren’t falling into place. Some days it was a mental battle of if I was just plain dumb? Why couldn’t I grasp statistics? Why was the math portion on my Praxis so hard? After months of privately knocking myself down I made the hasty decision to change my major. I of course still want to teach but now I’m taking a different route. For once in college I’m actually enjoying learning. In my sociology classes I’m learning how to interact with my students from different back grounds. I’m good with this change I wasn’t at first because in my eyes I had failed. If I could tel you one thing to go into your beautiful and for that I sayOdd Year is that failure is mental. Test grades, goals, relationships and friendships don’t end in failure. You learned something from every test life gives you. how could you fail if you won knowledge? 

One taught me love…

You know what I do not like? When people say you have to teach people how to love you, That’s bullshit to me. Self love as I have said before isn’t easy. It’s not over night but what I learned in 2017 was that I can not grow with someone at the age that I am. I have to blossom on my own. In friends and relationshipsIMG_5339 I can’t give a person love if I have yet to experience love from myself. And if you are a person who wants to give love be kind enough to the people around you and heal your own heart before you break another’s. 

One taught  me patience…

If anything taught me patience it was waiting for teachers to upload  final grades. But seriously it was knowing that timing is everything. Some things that I wanted like a relationship with my dad, mending friendships, and even starting a relationship was something that I wasn’t ready for. The timing wasn’t right and patience is a virtue. The right time for everything will come. 

One taught me pain…

Healing from a loss seems like it takes a lifetime. Losing my Godfather is still a cut that I can’t manage to bandage. But he was an angel in my life. But his time in my life served a purpose. I don’t usually search for a meaning in everything but we have to remember the impact that person had. Not the wound that they left. For friendships and an angelrelationships we can remember what that person did and how we felt, but when they are gone the pain of loss isn’t all you have left. At least you’ll have the memory. 

Spent some time with my friends…

This year has brought me so much closer to my friends. I’m obsessed with them I would say. I’ve been better at communicating with them this year and I’m going to continue that. Our discussions are better and I find that we have inspired each other to grow in the right best frienddirection. Joy has taught me so much about being passionate about your career, Alison has taught me the beauty of embracing this divine feminine spiritual life. Asia is someone new in my life but still an old friend has taught me courage and above all just to be brave at facing new obstacles in life. 

school friends

Maiya has taught me how to grow in your faith and not let outside obstacles test that. Bree has taught me that it is okay to be alone and to not be okay. Madison has taught me to embody being strong and to speak up. And for that I thank u. 

Thank u. next

This next chapter will be end and the start of new beginnings for me. I’m ending college and I;m traveling more. I will become closer to my family and I will let love happen for me. I won’t hold back out of fear anymore.

One day I’ll walk down the aisle…

My momma has had my back like no other this year. Every single time I fell she was there to pick me up. Relationships with your family are hard especially if you’re going through something or you’re having major life changes. But just try to connect with them on something. I know it can feel like the responsibility is on you to build a relationship with your family but it takes someone to make the first move. my mommaSo one when I do walk down the aisle holding hands with my momma I will thank my dad. I don’t care about the role he had in my life anymore. I care about the role he will have and what he will represent moving forward. God forbid something happens at least we will end better than what we started. 

I’ve learned from the pain and turned out amazing. I can’t begin to explain how joyful it feels to say I have made it though this year. I’m so grateful for my year

And for 2018 I say: Thank u, next.



P.S. Thank u Zach for Ari-culture.

21 Days Living Shamelessly:Day 1 Meditation

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

-Maya Angelou 

I have been thinking about what my newest blog post should be about. I liked some of it but truthfully between work, school and mundane situations that I’ve let over power my life. With all that aside I thought I would share a new journey that I am embarking on. 21 Days of me living my life shamelessly. I find that I hide who I really am to protect this false image that I’ve created of myself. I am losing what makes me unique to fit in. I am becoming shameful of things that I have always taken pride in. 

21 Days of freedom from the pressure that I put on myself. 21 Days of reaching a peace of mind. Today I received my new crystals. 2018-11-07 16_26_36.929I originally had six beautiful crystals but today I have added fourteen beautiful crystals to my collection. I didn’t get a chance to take pictures of them but you’ll see them soon. I’ll talk more about my crystals and what I use them for later…. a lot later stay until then end. 

Today I am shamelessly focusing on meditation. I have developed a love for yoga over the last few years. But in the recent months it has become a full on passion. The problem is I never had the complete courage to just grab my mat and do yoga alone in the park. It’s something that I have been dying to do.2018-07-23 17_34_43.244 I would do it in front of my apartment but only when I was sure no one was watching. I wanted to grab my speaker with some nice neo-soul classics and just stretch my limbs towards serenity.  During yoga you feel this pleasant stillness and your mind becomes empty while focusing 2018-07-23 17_40_53.630only on your body and your breathing.

Breathing for me is important because one thing I’ve noticed about myself is that when I am tense I don’t breathe properly. I will hold in my breath and focus so much of my energy on whatever it is that’s causing me stress. breatheI clench my hands and that’s when I can physically feel my stress. That’s what scares me the most about my stress sometimes I won’t know where it comes from so I try to make it physical. I will bite my cheek or on some extreme cases I will legit clench my teeth down so hard.

This is where my crystals come to play. Crystals are physical elements from the earth that I can hold and see. They possess properties depending on what they are that I can focus my energy into. I have a carnelian stone and carnelian crystals has properties that allow you to focus and allow for better decision-making.

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The original six crystals.  

The amethyst stone is all about inner calm and is known for being a mediation stone. I usually keep them close by while I mediate I may place a few out just to feel their presence. I will hold one close to my chest and during this time I focus not only on God but the Earth. During mediation especially after on stress I have to focus on keeping myself grounded. My spiritual life is present throughout mediation and the crystals help me understand how close I need to be with Earth and God. Through stress when I touch during mediation it’s like signal: Okay, Cameron yes you have a lot on your plate but you are human. You are a smaller being on this earth and whatever is stressing you out is so much smaller than what you are.  

But that’s how meditations helps me really I have learned that the way I try to rationalize my stress is by making it physical is ridiculous and unkind to myself. By combating something mental like stress with something equally as mental like meditation. And I don’t always use crystals sometimes I burn an essintial oil or fragrance oil to ground me to certain pleasent memories to guide my meditation. 2018-11-07 16_39_12.845

Stress and mediation both have the same power if you allow it to. With stress if you allow these circumstances and situations in life to cause you stress then you’ll be stressed. With mediation if you can’t open your mind and clear it then what’s the point? 

This is my first day of living “shamelessly” and what I can say about that is I figured out why I am so unkind to myself when it comes to stress. While mediating my mind was empty and when I came up from my mediation it was clear as day. It’s natural to be stressed out but what is unnatural is letting the stress continue to consume my life. And for you reading this if you are stressed it’s okay. Take a moment and think about the situation. Feel what your body is doing. Now un-clench your body and breathe. Just breathe. I know from today that I will continue to check myself and breathe through my stress. It won’t rid me of stress but if I can just breathe through it for the next 20 days and forever I can stress becoming an emotion and not a state of being for myself. 2018-07-26 12_30_38.805

I came to the bright idea that today my shameless revelation is that being shameless is about more than expressing myself. It’s about caring for myself and being kind to myself mentally. But here I am day one peaking through the lenses of what could be me. 

Why I Pretend


“a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.”

I got my first panic attack that I can remember in the 9th grade during P.E and I think it was after something happened with my friends. I can’t really remember but that’s the thing about anxiety something so small can make you crumble in seconds. I was getting embarrassed because I could feel my stomach dropping and twisting. I could feel my heart racing with a lump in my throat. I felt hands start trembling and my eyes were becoming clouded with tears. I was starting to panic because I was around so many people and I couldn’t just leave. A girl that I had P.E with that semester told me to put my head between my knees to stop the panic attack before it got to bad. I did and it worked but I still feel pure embarrassment every time I think about it. How could I have allowed myself to be so weak?

So I started pretending….


“speak and act so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not”

I began to write about the perfect girl and the perfect life. She had friends, a fine boyfriend, a fire wardrobe, and a great career. I desperately wanted my character to mirror my life so I began plotting on how I could imitate that. All this was with the pretense that I would never feel weak again. I started negating my feelings if I was hurt, sad, or depressed I would pretend that I was fine. img_6281I couldn’t be a “depressed girl” and I couldn’t be a crazy cry baby. I was the pro-black, strong, social justice warrior and how would it look if deep down I was in an internal battle about  if I was good enough for anything. I pretended that I was proud of my accomplishments but only after I spent time in the bathroom crying my eyes out having a panic attack because my accomplishments weren’t good enough for me. I pretended I was in love with myself when there were days when I couldn’t even look in the mirror without crying because I still felt like I wasn’t perfect enough.

I tried fixing my problem with a problem. It made me ten times worse because when I hit rock bottom and fell apart for real I was in agony and alone for days. It was second semester of my freshmen year of college and I was broke because I had no job, I hadn’t seen my family in a month, I felt like all of my friends were doing so much better than me, I gained weight and the list goes on. FamilyRemember that small thing I talked about well it happened, I lost my school I.D and I think I went insane. I cried and screamed because my life was not what I thought it should have been. My life damn sure wasn’t perfect and I couldn’t pretend anymore. A little while later I wrote a blog post about finding joy. I wrote it right after I had a panic attack. That’s when I took my pretending to another level. How could tell any of you about finding joy when I was struggling just to be happy in day to day life.

The truth about all of this is…

I still struggle with pretending and I know I don’t give myself enough credit. But there is one thing I can say that has helped me and that is telling someone. My mom knows how I am in her eyes I will always be her softhearted little girl and that’s how most of my family knows me. My friends know that I struggle with this and they still view me the same. My point is the road to growth maybe bumpy and may not have any real signs but if you have people in the car with you on that road it’ll make it so much easier. When I finally opened up about my problems I felt like I could stop pretending. This is me telling all my readers from 14-year-old ones to my grandma’s church friends….I am done me 1pretending. The joy that is slowly beginning to enter my soul isn’t for pretend anymore. 

This vulnerability doesn’t make me feel weak anymore. My vulnerability is in my strength and I will overcome my anxiety and so will you. You will get back your control and all you have to do is be patient. Ride out the bad moments and when they are over pick yourself up and get help from yourself and from the people around you. 

“Just like hopes springing high, still I rise”

-Maya Angelou (Still I Rise)

Keep That Same Energy

“What you create for you, no one can can take from you”

.-Jhene Aiko

So if you’re reading this. ITS OFFICIALLY THEAFROCLUB.COM it has been a long time coming but I wanted to be completely committed to my blog and my content and the future of whatever The Afro Club is! Starting this when I was 19 now I’m 21 and this is my 21st post

I realized that I had a different passion really young I would say. I think I viewed being a girl or woman with a lot of pride and around 3rd grade I started to notice that. I didn’t want to just be a pretty girl or be seen or where the title of seen and not heard. I wanted to play and have fun regardless of being female. I used to get so caught up in myself all the time and once I got some headphones on with my little CD player with Survivor by Destiny’s Child blasting while I rode my bike it was like the world around me didn’t exist. I remember one time I was riding in front of my grandmother’s house caught up in my world as usual riding fast and hard not very “ladylike” . baby pic.jpgMy Momma said “People think your wild you need to tone it down some, don’t play so rough”. In my head I was like “what the hell did I do I’m chilling.” I was a rough little chick most of the time. I yelled, I would fight the boys, wore the basketball shorts but I was super feminine at the same time. I couldn’t find the balance or find something that kept me calm and not so angry all the time. But the perception that I wasn’t behaving like a “regular girl” sort of stuck. So I kept finding myself in those same situations where I was just too rough for my own good. By the time I got to middle school I was done going outside and I was just trying to stay out of the way and avoid situations that would make me angry. But when you are a person who likes to be mad you will find yourself looking to be mad everywhere.

I still am that rough little girl deep down inside but as an adult I had to find ways to get caught up in my own world in a productive and peaceful way. I started creating from writing, gardening, painting, and cooking. I wanted to become a person that could redirect my thoughts into something that makes me happy and brings me joy. I wanted my energy to change completely. It took about a decade and I’m only 21 and I  have ways to go and I slip up sometimes. IMG_0275 (1).JPGThere are times that I’ll let my anger get the best of me but I’m also only human. But in the past if something got to me I was angry for awhile and I had to basicaly developed an energy about myself to put a definite end to being upset. It’s not a real process that I learned from anyone but it works for me. The first thing I do is put my feet up when I find myself getting overwhelmingly angry. I kick back and close my eyes and I CHILL OUT. If I feel like I bombed a test and I’m mad about it I’ll sit in the quad and put my feet up on the bench and relax. feet.jpgI take back whatever positive energy was taken from me. One of my favorite things to do is just to start speaking. Words are powerful and its all about how you use them I really got into poetry in college from NAACP but when I’m on stage speaking my truth or conveying my truth there is positive effects of that and it calms me to my core. Poetry has the power to empower you andpoetry.jpg you get so much strength back delivering. Reading Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur was one of the most inspirational pieces I have read in my life and whenever I recite some pieces from the book that I feel that power that I may have lost in myself returns. Planting is a recent but old thing in my life that I use to calm myself down or to feel a peace back in myself. There is nothing more beautiful than creating and developing life. Planting gives you that feeling without having to have a child lol. On a serious note planting in essence is a quiet impact on your soul. Reading of course is my first love above all but it’s a way to get back in your head without being stuck there. Reading has allowed me to lIMG_0582 (1)ive hundred of thousands lives and adventures that I wouldn’t be able to go on. Painting above all is one of the few things that give me my energy and allows me to keep it up because it’s steady. It’s simple. It’s creating something that the only other image there is exactly like it is in my head. My sacred place where my energy can be creative, uninterrupted and positive. IMG_0803Emotions are natural but when certai emotions are being displayed more than others you have to figure out comfortable ways to regualte them. I struggle with being mad and going off the deep end and the next day not being able to go back to my  “normal self”. It’s all about keeping that same energy throughout your emotions. Ultimately you have to reclaime your emotions and not let them consume you.

“You have got to lose your mind just to find your peace of mind.”

-Jhene Aiko